Monday, November 05, 2007

What have I done...

I finally set up my etsy store.

What if nobody likes me?

The Toddler stayed home sick today - she said she was 'better' and wanted to go, but I knew she'd be a lump of poo the rest of the day. She's spent the better part of the morning commanding "More chocolate milk!" and "When will cartoons be on?" with every commercial break.

The Boy's due back from Kindergarten any minute.

Where did this morning go?

Today, I'm thankful that my daughter still thinks my crochet/quilting/sewing is pretty cool. She's seven, I know that will change.


g-man said...

Hope she is back to 100% soon. I hate when time flies so fast that you are left wondering "where'd it go?"

Unknown said...

Are you kidding? Every single 20 something at my office knits. Like one of them told me she won't rent movies with subtitles because she can't knit while she is watching them.

I.E. you are majorly cool.

And HOOOORRRAAYYY! Etsy Shop!!!!!

Builder Mama said...

Sorry she's feeling badly, but you know how fast they bounce back....

Love the store! I can't wait to see what else you put on there.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Milk for a sick toddler. You are a brave woman. I hope she is feeling better.

Tree said...

Hope A is better today!

I wish I could knit. I love your work and your quilts are beautiful.