Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Here's my "Before" picture - taken this morning. Me at 203. I decided yesterday that most of my bitchiness was due to my disatisfaction with my body. Yes, I exercise and eat "ok" - but I eat a lot. I like to eat. A lot.

The whole "Feel Like You Did 10 Pounds Ago" thing. Yea, ten would be good. Twenty better. I'd just like to be able to fit back into my clothes. Ten pounds would do that. Plus, I'd feel a whole lot better about myself.

It's only recently in human history that "thin is in." It used to be that children = fertility and fat = wealth. Like having children, being fat was a status symbol - it meant that you were provided for above and beyond necessity. I heard somewhere that our early ancestors most likely had the body of an ultra-marathon runner. Not today. Food is in such abundance in the US, and our body is only doing what it's supposed to do - store for famine. Given that the fear of Y2K is over, and the bird flu hasn't hit yet, I think I'll do something about it now.


Mitzi Green said...

i hear you. i like to eat. a lot. i like to eat a lot. i just told ben last night, "THIS is why we're fat--we sit on the couch watching food network all the time!"

and like you, i'd just like to be able to fit back into my clothes. i can't wear anything i wore last summer--almost 20 pounds ago. 20 pounds in a year. wow. that's bad.

but i'll be damned if i post a before picture.

i just finished "angela's ashes" and "'tis" and the reason our ancestors were so thin is because they couldn't afford food and their fathers often drank the grocery money.

Tanaya said...

Gretchen, I think you look great and I don't believe that you weigh that. That said, I would love to lose that 10 pounds too and wish you success - but not at the sake of not being able to afford food because somebody drank the grocery money!

Gretchen said...

Thanks ladies... Really, tanaya, the scale said 203 this morning. two hundred and three pounds. I guess I just carry it well?!?

Mitzi - When I say "Early Ancestors" I mean 10,000 years ago... Think hunting and gathering and living in caves. Sounds like fun, right?

Anonymous said...

You don't look like 203 pounds! You must be tall.

Good luck with your diet!

Tree said...

Okay, G, I have to say this, though. Your legs are GORGEOUS!!! You know how much I run and do lunges, yet my legs will never ever be that pretty. So, really, I think 10 lb would be sufficient, but only you know how you feel.

You CAN do it. And I will be your cheerleader along the way! Plus, don't you have a marathon you're training for??

Unknown said...

Holy crap, we have the same exact body. OK, your arms are thinner. But we're close. I am trying hard too. Let's support each other. Amazons unite!

Mitzi Green said...

g, my ancestors were irish, so they were still hunting and gathering and living in caves when roosevelt was president. ;)

and yes, gretchen is tall. and i think that was the first thing i ever said to her in person--"damn, you're tall"--because i'm not and my dwarfism makes her seem just that much taller. (and yes, i still envy your ability to reach things.)

Builder Mama said...

Okay, true confession time - I was 207 when I started my whole weight loss thing. I looked like crap. You look fabulous! Like Tree, I'd kill for those legs instead of my stubby Fred Flintstone legs.

Good luck on the whole thing...you know you can always e-mail or call anytime you need a boost!