Sunday, March 05, 2006


1. Get mail sent to new house CHECK!
2. Stop paper CHECK!
3. Clean out Big Girl's closet and under her bed
4. Clean out The Boy and the Baby's closet (they share)
5. Unpack framed pictures so the movers pack them
6. Clean out the freezer CHECK!
7. Figure out what will be transported in the Suburban vs the moving van CHECK!
8. Pick up cupcakes for big girl to take to school tomorrow (her last day) CHECK!
9. Clean out my closet
10. Get my hair colored
11. Buy more trash bags CHECK!
12. Get money from the can people CHECK!
13. Call Salvation Army for pick-up CHECK!

Tomorrow we have our last Open House With Furniture. Hopefully something good will come of it. I spent most of the day cleaning out the basement and sorting toys. I sorted toys with three kids. As long as they don't see you throwing things away, they usually don't care. It's when they see the 'favorite' toy heading into the big black trashbage that I'm in trouble.

Not sure when I'll be able to post next... Tomorrow we'll (ok, he'll) be freaking out about getting ready for the open house. Tomorrow night we're having dinner with our Dinner in the Round church group. Monday my Darling Husband will be "working from home" while I try and keep three children quiet so he can make conference calls. The kids will also be packing up their favorite things to be taken in the Suburban. Monday night the kids head to my parents because Tuesday the packers will be coming. This means the computer will be boxed up. Wednesday, the truck will be loaded, and if all goes according to plan will be unloaded on Thursday. Husband'o'mine isn't sure on what we'll be doing for internet access (how dare he keep me from the internet!), so it may be a few days after that.

At this point, I just want it done. I don't care if everything is in boxes and complete disarray at the new house... I just want to be there.


Anonymous said...

fingers crossed for a great next few days. Can't wait to hear how the open house went, and how the settling in goes. HUGSS!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Gretchen! Keeping my fingers crossed that the Open House goes well.

Julie Marsh said...

Breathe...I can assure you, it will all work out. Just breathe...and have a glass of wine (or two).