Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Internet - finally

DirectTV Friday
Internet Monday
Furniture Wednesday

We're making progress

I've gone through all but six of my 'crap' boxes. Yesterday I filled six jumbo black trash bags. Today I'm heading to the basement to sort out the toys to make room for our old furniture.

I'll try and be a better blogger. It's much, much different with the Big Girl in half day kindergarten - versus full day. It doesn't start until 1:23 - but that's a rant for another day. This week is spring break, so all three are all over me all day. Next week Husband heads to Georgia for a few days of work, then off to The Masters. He was so excited I thought he was going to cry when he told me. All that means to me is he leaves Monday morning and gets home late Friday. Whoo hoo.

On a brighter note, we've accepted an offer on our old house. Yippee!

Things are falling into place. TV. Internet. New Furniture (the first in 10 years). And the nearest SuperTarget is just 2.3 miles away. As long as there's a SuperTarget, I'm home.


Tree said...

Congratulations!!! I am happy you are there and starting to become settled in. And SuperTarget that close is awesome.

Builder Mama said...

Hooray! Glad you guys are getting settled in. And congrats on the new furniture!


MPPs Mom said...

i'm so glad to 'see' you!!! So you move all the way there to be with Husband 24/7 and he leaves for a week, can't help but chuckle.....hope he makes it up to you!


MeganHT said...


That rocks!!!

Glad it is all falling into place. Pictures! I want to see pictures!