Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I know how it will turn out

Tomorrow I'm going to do something I haven't done for awhile...

I'm going to leave the computer off.

No random checks to my e-mail, to a couple boards I frequent, to other blogs... Nope, I'm going to sign off and see what happens. Just for the day though.

I have a feeling, with the time not 'wasted' on the computer, I'll get a lot more done.

Maybe not.

Most likely will, and the list looks something like this:
four assorted loads of laundry
sort family room toys
clean two kids beds
plan meals for upcoming inlaw visit
dust and swiffer dining room
restack firewood
sort out boy's clothes, putting underwear and socks in the bottom drawer so he can reach them
sort out baby girl's clothes, taking out stuff that is too small
spot check carpet for stains - you know the ones that mysteriously appear

For now, though, I'm signing off. Going upstairs and going to bed. Maybe a couple of MASH reruns and some crocheting.


Anonymous said...

So, did you "make it"???

Gretchen said...



Most of the stuff got done too!

Coach Jay said...

You and my wife should get together. She does the same thing--MASH and some craft to zonk out.....

Unknown said...

So, how is Klinger?