Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Mom's Night Out

I'm wiped out.

Yesterday I watched two of my friend's four kids from 8:30 am until 2:45. That gave me a 3 year old (mine), 2 year old (hers), 1 year old (mine), and 10 month old (hers). It went really well. Much better than I expected, but still wore me out.

My mom came that evening and watched the kids so I could have dinner out with "the girls." We had a great time. I had two huge margaritas - I wasn't the only one. I couldn't get to sleep until around 1 am. One of the problems I have with my husband gone - I just don't sleep very well. Today I hosted playgroup. Because some of the moms wanted to attend the Halloween party at preschool, that left us with 3 adults and 9 kids three and under. Of course we offered... Holy buckets it was busy.

After everyone left, I put my baby down for a nap. Turned on "Go, Diego, Go!" and let the boy watch cartoons while I took a cat-nap.

I will go to bed early tonight. I will go to bed early tonight. I will go to bed early tonight.


Anonymous said...

did you go to bed early?

Julie Marsh said...

G, those margaritas are the fortification you need to keep up with this madness. Is the dad person back yet?